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Funktion one
Engineered for
Sonic Excellence
Funktion One are English inventors and manufacturers of professional loudspeaker systems.
Achieving the best possible audio quality is the principle motivating factor at Funktion One. We are intent on sonic accuracy and our technological approach avoids the use of both system EQ (with its inherent phase and headroom problems) and compression driver mid-range (with its inherent harshness and distortion). Our loudspeaker systems also have excellent directional control allowing sound to be focused where it’s needed and minimising out-of-venue environmental impact.

Funktion-One compact systems are ideal solutions for smaller events, bars, studios or private homes
Medium & Large
Powerful point-source and bass loudspeakers with the famously direct and crytstal clear Funktion-One sound for anything from 500 up to 10’000 people and beyond

Are you looking to rent a Funktion-One system ?
restaurant studio